
Rivers of Bhutan

The rivers of Bhutan form four main river systems: Drangme, Puna Tsang, Wang Chu and torso. Each of these rivers flows quickly from the Himalayas and flows through the southern Duras into the Brahmaputra River in India, which then flows through Bangladesh, where the Brahmaputra (or Jamuna in Bangladesh) joins the Ganges River (or Padma in Bangladesh), which flows into the Bay of Bengal.

Major river systems in Bhutan
The flows of the largest river system, Drangme, flow from the southwestern Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh and have three main tributaries: Drangme, Mangde Chu and Murchangfi-Chu / Bumtang. These branches form the Drangme Basin, which extends to most of eastern Bhutan and the Tongs and Bumtang valleys. In the Duaries, where 8 tributaries are connected into a single water artery - Drangme, which is called Manas there. 

The origins of the 320-kilometer river Puna Tsang, also called sankosh river, flowing from the northwest and Bhutan are called Mo Chu and Pho Chu. They feed on the snows of the Great Himalayan Range. The rivers of this system often overflow. They flow south to Punakha, where they merge to form Pune Tsang, which flows south to the Indian state of West Bengal.

Inflows 370-kilometer river Vang Chu gaining strength in Tibet. Wang flows southeastward through the west-central parts of Bhutan through the valleys of Ha, Paro, Thimphu and further into the Duaries, from where it enters West Bengal, called Raigye-Chu.

The small river system of Torsa, also known as Amo in its northern reaches, also flows from Tibet, further along the Chumbi valley, quickly flows through western Bhutan to expand near Phuncholing and then flows to India.

List of rivers of Bhutan
This is a list of rivers in Bhutan, all rivers in Bhutan ultimately drain to the Brahmaputra River in India.

Western Bhutan
Jaldhaka River or Di Chu
Amo Chhu or Torsa
Wong Chhu or Raidak
Ha Chhu
Paro Chhu
Thimphu Chhu
Puna Tshang Chhu or Sankosh River
Pho Chhu
Mo Chhu
Tang Chuu.
Eastern Bhutan

Manas River
Mangde Chhu or Tongsa
Bumthang River or Murchangphy Chhu
Drangme Chhu (sometimes considered part of the Manas River)
Kuru Chhu or Lhobrak
Kulong Chhu
Womina Chhu
Tawang Chhu or Gamri
Pagladiya River
Puthimari Nadi
Dhansiri Nadi



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