
History of Sasanian Armenia

Sasanian Armenia, also known as Persian Armenia and Persarmenia (Armenian: Պարսկահայաստան – Parskahayastan), may either refer to the periods where Armenia (Middle Persian: 𐭠𐭫𐭬𐭭𐭩‎ – Armin) was under the suzerainty of the Sasanian Empire, or specifically to the parts of Armenia under its control such as after the partition of 387 AD when parts of western Armenia were incorporated into the Byzantine Empire while the rest of Armenia came under Sasanian suzerainty whilst maintaining its existing kingdom until 428.

In 428, Armenian nobles petitioned Bahram V to depose Artaxias IV (r. 422); Bahram V (r. 420–438) abolished the Kingdom of Armenia and appointed Veh Mihr Shapur as marzban (governor of a frontier province, "margrave") of the country, which marked the start of a new era known as the Marzpanate period (Armenian: Մարզպանական Հայաստան – Marzpanakan Hayastan), a period when marzbans, nominated by the Sasanian emperor, governed eastern Armenia, as opposed to the western Byzantine Armenia which was ruled by several princes, and later governors, under Byzantine suzerainty. The Marzpanate period ended with the Arab conquest of Armenia in the 7th century, when the Principality of Armenia was established. An estimated three million Armenians were under the influence of the Sasanian marzpans during this period.

The marzban was invested with supreme power, even imposing death sentences; but he could not interfere with the age-long privileges of the Armenian nakharars. The country as a whole enjoyed considerable autonomy. The office of Hazarapet, corresponding to that of Minister of the Interior, public works and finance, was mostly entrusted to an Armenian, while the post of Sparapet (commander-in-chief) was only entrusted to an Armenian. Each nakharar had his own army, according to the extent of his domain. The "National Cavalry" or "Royal force" was under the Commander-in-chief. The tax collectors were all Armenians. The courts of justice and the schools were directed by the Armenian clergy. Several times, an Armenian nakharar became Marzpan, as did Vahan Mamikonian in 485 after a period of rebellion against the Iranians.

Three times during the Marzpanic period, Iranian kings launched persecutions against Christianity in Armenia. The Iranians had tolerated the invention of the Armenian alphabet and the founding of schools, thinking these would encourage the spiritual separation of Armenia from the Byzantines, but on the contrary, the new cultural movement among the Armenians proved to be conducive to closer relations with Byzantium.

Christianity became the state religion of Armenia in 301. In 367 Armenia was divided between Sasanian Iran and the Roman Empire. The former established control in Eastern Armenia after the fall of the Arshakuni Armenian kingdom in 428.


Marzbanate (428–646)
In 428, Armenian nobles, nakharar, dissatisfied with the rule of Artaxias IV petitioned emperor Bahram V to depose him. Bahram V abolished the Kingdom of Armenia and appointed Veh Mihr Shapur as marzban (governor of a frontier province, "margrave") of the country.

In 465, Adhur Gushnasp was appointed by the Sasanian emperor Peroz I (r. 459–484) as the marzban of Armenia, replacing Adhur Hormizd. In 475, the Mamikonian princess Shushanik, was murdered by her husband Prince Varsken, a recent convert to Zoroastrianism, because she refused to convert and wanted to stay Christian. Varsken was then executed by Vakhtang I, king of Iberia.

Peroz I, eager to avenge Varsken, sent his general Shapur Mihran to Iberia. Vakhtang then appealed to the Huns and the Armenian nobles, citing solidarity between Christians. After carefully weighing the decision, the Mamikonian prince Vahan Mamikonian agreed to revolt against the Sasanians. He defeated and killed Adhur Gushnasp, and thereafter declared Sahak II Bagratuni as the new marzban. He also kept repelling several Sasanian counter-attacks.

In 482, Shapur Mihran began to become a big threat to the security of Iberia, which made Vakhtang request Armenian aid. Vahan and Sahak shortly arrived to Iberia at the head of a big army, but were defeated in Akesga, where Sahak was killed. Vahan fled with the remnants of the Armenian army into the mountains, where he led guerrilla actions against the Sasanians, while Shapur Mihran managed to regain control of Armenia. However, Shapur Mihran was shortly ordered to return to the Sasanian capital of Ctesiphon. Vahan quickly used the opportunity to regain control of Armenia.

In the spring of 484, however, Shapur Mihran returned as the head of a new army and forced Vahan to flee to refuge near the Byzantine frontier, at Tao and Taron. During the same period, the Sasanian noble Zarmihr Karen from the Karenid family, was successful in another campaign against the Armenians, and managed to capture several of them, including noblemen from the Kamsarakan family. Zarmihr shortly delivered the Armenian captives to Shapur Mihran, who delivered them to Izad Gushnasp, promising the Armenian captives to make Peroz spare them.

However, an unexpected event changed the course of events: the death of the Sasanian king Peroz I in 484 in war against the Hephthalites, causing the withdrawal of the Sasanians in Armenia and recovery of Dvin and Vagharshapat. Struggling to suppress the revolt of his brother Zarir, Peroz's successor, Balash (r. 484-488), needed the help of the Armenians: in exchange for military support, he agreed to sign the Nvarsak Treaty, which granted religious freedom to the Christians and the prohibition of Zoroastrianism in Armenia, including much greater autonomy for the nakharar. Vahan was also recognized as sparapet and the property of the Mamikonian family and its allies were returned.

Between 515-516, several Hunnic tribes kept making incursions into Armenia—the Armenian nobleman Mjej I Gnuni then decided to organize a counter-attack, where he successfully managed to repel them. As a reward, Kavadh I appointed him as the marzban of Armenia in 518. During this governorship, Mjej maintained religious peace. In 527, he repelled several other Hunnic invasions. In 548, he was succeeded by Gushnasp Bahram.

Chihor-Vishnasp, a member of the Suren family and a relative of Khosrow I himself, was in 564 appointed as marzban. During this period, the Armenian aristocracy was split between two parties, the national one which was headed by a member of the Mamikonian family, and a pro-Sasanian one, which was headed by a member of the Siunia family.

Chihor Vishnasp not only harshly treated the Christian Armenians who were suspected of secretly siding with the Byzantines, but also did the same with the rest of the Christian Armenian population. Claiming to exploit on the command of the king, he persecuted the Christian Armenians and even built a fire-temple in Dvin. These actions soon resulted in a massive uprising in late 571 or early 572, which was led by Vardan III Mamikonian. On 23 February 572, the Armenian rebels seized Dvin, and had Chihor-Vishnasp killed.

The Armenians and the Achaemenid Empire
After the fall of the Medo Empire in 550 BC. C. Cyrus, the leader of the Persians took control of the empire and conquered Asia Minor and Mesopotamia. Cyrus's son Cambyses followed his father in the Egyptian campaign. Armenia became a dependency of Persia.

Armenian cavalry and infantry troops had taken part in the conquest of Cyrus of Lydia in 546 and of Babylon in 539. A rebellion of ten nations - one of them Armenia - broke out against Persia during the reign of Darius I (522 - 486).

The Armenians and the Sassanid Empire
The Armenians adopted Christianity as the official state religion in the year 301. Armenia was divided between the Sassanid Empire of Persia and the Roman Empire. The first established control in eastern Armenia after the fall of the Armenian kingdom Arsácida in 428.

Vartan Mamikonian
With the increase in conflicts between Romans and Sassanids, Yazdegerd II began to see Christianity as a political threat to the cohesion of the Persian empire. The conversion to Christianity by the Armenians was of particular interest to him. After a successful invasion of the Eastern Roman Empire, Yazdegerd summoned the Armenian nobles to Ctesiphon and converted them to Zoroastrianism. This outraged the Armenian population, and under Vartan Mamikonian leadership an army of 66,000 Armenians rebelled against the Sassanid Empire. Yazdegerd quickly quelled the rebellion at the Battle of Avarayr.

The Persians' military success over Armenia ensured that it would remain part of the Sassanid Empire for several centuries. However, the Armenian resistance did not end until the Treaty of Nvarsak, which guaranteed Armenia more freedom under Sassanid rule.

The Armenians and the Safavid Empire
Due to its strategic importance, Armenia was constantly disputed and changed hands on several occasions and successively between the rule of Persia and the Ottomans. In the Turkish-Persian wars, it should be noted that Yerevan changed hands fourteen times between 1513 and 1737.

In 1604, Shah Abbas I used a military strategy in which he destroyed everything the Ottomans had to subsist - farms, houses and scorched earth, in the Ararat valley. The ancient Armenian town of Julfa, in the Nakhichevan province was taken at the beginning of the invasion. From there, Abbas's army occupied Araratian across the plain. The shah followed a careful strategy, advanced and retired when the occasion demanded, determined not to risk his company in a direct confrontation with the strongest enemy forces.

When Kars was besieging, he learned of the arrival of a large Ottoman army, commanded by Djghazadé Sinan Pasha. They were ordered to retreat, but the enemy denied the possibility of self-resupply, ordered the destruction of the largest Armenian cities and farms on the plain. As part of this plan, the population was ordered to accompany the Persian army on its retreat. Some of the 300,000 people were left to fend for themselves on the banks of the Aras River. Those who tried to resist mass deportation were killed instantly. The Shah had ordered the destruction of the only bridge, so that people were forced to cross the rushing waters, where a large number of Armeniansthey perished drowned, or swept away by the currents, before reaching the opposite bank. This was only the beginning of his ordeal. An eyewitness, Guyan's father, describes the plight of the refugees in this way:

It was not just the winter cold that caused torture and death to deportees. The greatest suffering came from hunger. The provisions that the deportees had brought with them were soon consumed... The children were crying for food or milk, none of which existed, because the women had dry breasts even from hunger... Many women, hungry and exhausted, he would leave his hungry children on the side of the road, and they followed their tortuous path. Some may go to the nearby forests in search of something to eat. Usually, he doesn't come back. Many times those who died served as food for life.

Unable to maintain his army on the desolate plain, Sinan Pasha was forced to win in Van. Armies that were sent in pursuit of the Shah in 1605 were defeated, and Abbas in 1606 had recovered all the territory that he lost to the Turks early in his reign. The tactic of razing land tactics had worked, albeit at a terrible cost to the Armenian people. Of the 300,000 deportees, it is estimated that less than half survived the Isfahan march. In the conquered territories, Abbas established the khanate of Yerevan, a Muslim principality under the rule of the Safavid Empire. Armenians made up less than 20% of its population as a result of the deportation of much of the Armenian populationof Ararat valley and the surrounding region in 1605 by Shah Abbas I.

Vardan Mamikonian
Sasanian king Yazdegerd II began to view Christianity in the Northern lands as a political threat to the cohesiveness of the Iranian empire. The dispute appears to be based on Iranian military considerations of the time given that according to Acts 2:9 in the Acts of the Apostles there were Persians, Parthians and Medes (all Iranian tribes) among the very first new Christian converts at Pentecost and Christianity has had a long history in Iran as a minority religion, dating back to the very early years of the faith. Nevertheless, the conversion to Christianity by Armenians in the North was of particular concern to Yazdegerd II. After a successful invasion of the Eastern Roman Empire, Yazdegerd began summoning Armenian nobles to Ctesiphon and reconverted them to Zoroastrianism (a faith many Armenians shared with Iranians prior to Christianity). This upset the Armenian population, and under the leadership of Vardan Mamikonian an army of 66,000 Armenians rebelled against the Sasanian empire. Yazdegerd quickly subdued the rebellion at the Battle of Avarayr.

Nvarsak Treaty
The military success of the Iranians ensured that Armenia would remain part of the Sasanian empire for centuries to come. However, Armenian objections did not end until the Nvarsak Treaty, which guaranteed Armenia more freedom and freedom of religion (Christianity) under Sasanian rule.

Sasanian coins produced in Armenia
Sasanian government had produced gold, silver and bronze coins in Armenia. 813 of these coins were found in 34 regions in Armenia; being most of them found in Dvin (ancient city) and Gyumri. Most of these coins were silver coins.


Sasanian kings of Armenia

252/3-272Hormizd ISasanian prince, nominated by his father Shapur I.
272-299NarsehSasanian prince, nominated by his brother Hormizd I.

Marzbans of Armenia
252/3-272Hormizd ISasanian prince, nominated by his father Shapur I.
272-299NarsehSasanian prince, nominated by his brother Hormizd I.
Marzbans of Armenia
428-442Veh Mihr ShapurIranian grandee, nominated by Bahram V.
442-451Vasak, prince of SyunikArmenian nobleman, nominated by Yazdgerd II.
451-465Adhur Hormizd (in Armenian sources: Adrormizd)Iranian grandee, nominated by Yazdgerd II.
465-481Adhur Gushnasp (in Armenian sources: Arderveshnasp)Iranian grandee, nominated by Peroz I.
481-482Sahak II BagratuniArmenian nobleman, elected by the rebellious Armenian nobles. Killed at the Battle of Akesga.
482-482Shapur MihranIranian military occupation.
482-483Vahan I MamikonianHead of provisional government.
483-483Zarmihr KarenIranian military occupation.
483-484Shapur of RayIranian grandee, nominated by Peroz I.
Cyril Toumanoff suggests a marzpan named Andigan for the same period.
484-505/510Vahan I Mamikonian (2nd term)Armenian nobleman, nominated by Peroz I.
505-509 or 510-514Vard Mamikonian ("Vard the Patrician")Brother of Vahan I, recognized as marzpan by Kavadh I.
11 yearsSeveral Iranian marzpans persesAccording to Samuel of Ani: "After the patrician Vard, brother of Vahan, Iranian marzpans governed Armenia for 11 years... The government of Armenia passed then to Mjej of the Gnuni family, who exercised it for 30 years".
518-548Mjej I GnuniMentioned by Cyril Toumanoff and Gérard Dédéyan, but not included by René Grousset.
548-552 or 552-554Gushnasp Bahram 
552-560 or 554-560Tan-Shapur 
572-573Vardan III MamikonianLeader of anti-Iranian rebellion.
572-574Golon MihranIranian general tasked by Khosrau I with subduing the revolt. Cyril Toumanoff substitutes him and Vardan with Vardan-Gushnasp.
573-577Vardan III MamikonianUnder Byzantine protectorate.
For the same period, Krikor Jacob Basmadjian a Cyril Toumanoff have Philip, prince of Syunik.
577-580TamkhosrauIranian grandee, nominated by Khosrau I.
580-581Varaz VzurIranian grandee, nominated by Hormizd IV
581-582/588PahlavIranian grandee, nominated by Hormizd IV.
582/588-588/589FrahatIranian grandee, nominated by Hormizd IV.
588/589-590Hrartin (Fravardin)Iranian grandee, nominated by Hormizd IV.
590-591Musel II MamikonianInstalled by the Byzantines.
592-605VindatakanThese five marzpans are mentioned by Cyril Toumanoff.
604-611 or 616Smbat IV BagratuniChristian Settipani records him as marzpan from 599 to 607. He is not mentioned as marzpan by Toumanoff. René Grousset holds that Khosrau II named him marzpan following his victories in Hyrcania, ca. 604, and adds that he possibly continued in office until his death in 616-617. However, he also mentions three other marzpans over the same period (see following).
611-613ShahrayeanpetMarzpan at Dvin, in eastern Armenia, along with Shahin Vahmanzadegan as pahghospan in western (former Byzantine) Armenia
613-613ParshenazdatIranian grandee, nominated by Khosrau II.
616-619Namdar-GushnaspIranian grandee, nominated by Khosrau II.
619-624Shahraplakan (Sarablagas)Iranian grandee, nominated by Khosrau II.
624-627RotshvehanIranian grandee, nominated by Khosrau II.
627-628 A large part of Armenia reverted to Byzantine control.
ca. 628Varaztirots II BagratuniArmenian nobleman, named marzpan by Kavadh II for the portions of Armenia remaining under Iranian rule. Following the onset of the Muslim conquest of Iran, Varaztirots aligned himself with the Byzantines.
630-635Mjej II GnuniArmenian nobleman, named governor of Armenia by the Byzantine emperor Heraclius.
635-638David SaharuniArmenian nobleman, he murdered Mjej and proclaimed himself governor. He was recognized by Heraclius, who named him kouropalates and ishkhan of Armenia.
638-643 No central authority.
643-645Theodore Rshtuni 
645/646Varaztirots II BagratuniFollowing the complete collapse of Iran, he was named Prince of Armenia by the Byzantines, but died before being formally invested

Modern era
Throughout the xvi th and beginning of the xvii th centuries, Armenia is the battlefield on which confront the Ottomans and Persians, passing alternately under the domination of one or the other. The treaty of Qasr-i-Chirin puts an end to this situation in 1639 and grants Eastern Armenia to Persia. The country is strongly depopulated, following the decision of Abbas IPersian (performed 1604 - 1605) to deportof Armenians in the region of Isfahan, in order to create a center of commerce in New Julfa, but also to clear the area in front of the Ottoman armies and prevent their supply.

At the beginning of the xviii th century, following the decline of the Persian Safavid and first Russian incursions in the Caucasus, the Ottomans decided to react and walk on Persian Armenia; Yerevan thus falls on June 7, 1724, but Karabagh and Zanguezour resist under the direction of David Bek; it was only in 1730 that the Persian troops managed to retake the region. In 1747, the death of Nadir Shah, the Persian Armenia is divided between three khanates relatively autonomous, the khanates of Yerevan to Nakhchivan and Karabakh.

The beginning of the xix th century saw the little Persian Armenia to fall slightly to the Russians. The Russo-Persian War of 1804-1813, concluded by the Treaty of Golestan, gave rise to the taking of the Karabakh Khanate. As for the Khanates of Yerevan and Nakhichevan, they fell at the end of the Russo-Persian War of 1826-1828, ratified by the Treaty of Turkmanchai. Persian Armenia then made way for Russian Armenia.

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