
University of Winnipeg Archives, Canada

The University of Winnipeg Archives preserves and provides access to the records of the University of Winnipeg, as well as aspects of Manitoba history relevant to research at the University of Winnipeg, including social justice and human rights.

The University Archives was established by resolution of the Board of Regents, July 1, 2001. Our collection mandate is to document the history of the University of Winnipeg, the local community, as well as aspects of Manitoba history relevant to research at the University of Winnipeg, including social justice and human rights. We are acquiring a growing number of records and manuscripts of individuals, families, and organizations to fulfill this mandate.

The University of Winnipeg (UWinnipeg) is a public university in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada that offers undergraduate faculties of art, business and economics, education, science and kinesiology and applied health as well as graduate programs.

The University of Winnipeg Library is the heart of the downtown campus, providing vibrant spaces and resources for students, Faculy, and community members to pursue their academic goals. We are a vital component in supporting academic excellence, student diversity and access, and an outstanding student experience. We house hundreds of thousands of books and articles, and provide access to many more online through our catalogue.

UWinnipeg offers a rich array of arts + cultural activity that makes UWinnipeg a dynamic place to learn. UWinnipeg’s academic departments, galleries, performance groups and student organizations across our campus foster engagement in the arts and are committed to raising the profile of the University’s arts scene. UWinnipeg proudly partners with other arts initiatives and organizations to contribute and enhance the creative and cultural vibrancy of our urban campus and our city. Find out what UWinnipeg has to offer.




Kuttab A kuttab (Arabic: كُتَّاب kuttāb, plural: kataatiib, كَتاتِيبُ) or maktab (Arabic: مَكْتَب) is a type of elementary school in the Mus...