
Jean Duplessis-Bertaux

Jean Duplessis-Bertaux (1747 in Paris, 1820 in Paris), among others also Jean Duplessi-Bertaux, Duplessi-Bertaux, Duplessis-Bertaux, JD Bertaux or Duplessis Berthault was a French illustrator, eraser and painter who illustrated many books And outside of France, especially with his many representations of scenes of the French Revolution (in Paris and in the province). Besides these "revolutionary" reproductions, Duplessis-Bertaux has also created countless other images and is, above all, a draftsman , Has been enormously productive throughout his life. Little is known of his nearer circumstances; Not even the year of birth and death are surely proven

The talent of Duplessis-Bertaux was already very early. He has already made quite good drawings at the age of seven, some of which are still to be found in the Historical Library of Paris

With the help of a royal scholarship, he studied painting with Joseph-Marie Vien (1716-1809) from 1762. He broke off his studies at some time, and then began his education with the well-known copper engraver Jacques-Philippe Le Bas (1707-1783) (1610-1664) and Sébastien Leclerc (1637-1714) were very much interested in Jacques Callot (1592-1635), who was the most influential figure in the world, With whom he was later often compared, and the callot de nos jours (callot of today) was called in France. In the painting, Duplessis-Bertaux is very interested in the works of the Baroque painter Jean Le Clerc (1586-1633) , He copied for his early etchings (often religious) works by Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640), Charles Le Brun (1619-1690) and some other painters

In the years 1770-1776, Duplessis-Bertaux was an instructor at the École militaire in Paris. After that, he earned his livelihood in the coming years and decades by illustrating books of all kinds. Among them was, for example, a famous book series With the title "Recueil des meilleurs contes en verses" (collection of the best stories in verse) by the publisher Hubert Cazin (1724-1795) from 1778, in which the texts of famous French authors were printed; Or in the year 1782 the book Voyage e Grèce et en Orient (Trip to Greece and the Orient) by Count Choiseul-Gouffier, who, as an old historian, was also very much respected in Germany; Or in the years 1781-1786 the five-volume work Voyage pittoresque ou Description of the Royaume de Naples et de Sicilie of the writer and art-lover Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non (1727) -1791)

In the time of the French Revolution, from 1789 to 1799, Jean Duplessis-Bertaux worked extensively as a draftsman and engraver in order to capture the sometimes quite exciting events. And in this duplessis-Bertaux, which is inexhaustible in the rendering of revolutionary scenes, one can be something like a He has been less productive as a painter during this time, but he has nevertheless created some well-known paintings, one of which is probably not to be found in any illustrated publication of the Revolution: the storm on the Tuileries on the 10th of August 1792

A time-span (from 1792 to 1795, for instance), Duplessis-Bertaux was also an officer in the French army, and had fought several times in the Bretagne against the Chouans; During the tumultuous events of 1794 he was imprisoned (in the short run)

The French Revolution, such as Napoleon Bonaparte's Napoleonic campaign, has also been portrayed by Duplessis-Bartaux, for which he has created innumerable etchings according to his own drawings and pictures of Carle Vernet (1758-1836) and Charles Monnet (1732-1808) With beautiful spiritual content, have been illustrated by him; Such as Goethe's Werther in 1797. From the long list of works published by the French art historian Emmanuel Bénézit of Duplessis-Bartaux, we can see how productive this artist was

Towards the end of his life, Jean Duplessis-Bertaux has also published the two outstanding works, which included many of his works: In 1814 the "Recueil de cent Sujets de divers genres" (A collection of a hundred genre pictures) and three years later the Tableaux Historiques de la Révolution française (The Historical Tables of the French Revolution) The hundred genre pictures have all been drawn and engraved by Duplessis-Bertaux, the tableaux, the revolution tables, contain one hundred and twenty-one stitches. In addition, for this last phase of the life of Duplessis- Bertaux still noteworthy that in 1816 in Paris a uniform series was published by him in several deliveries. The title of these deliveries was announced that a collection of all the uniforms of the Allied armies, the France (Paris) At that time, The uniforms of soldiers of the British, Russian, and Prussian army have been published, but it is to be assumed that Duplessis-Bertaux has not been able to complete the planned work - the last of Jean Duplessis-Bertaux's illustrated book appeared posthumously in 1823: the album de la jeunesse (album for the youth), a collection of short biographies by various authors, and some of his pictures, among which a self-portrait is to be, and some book decoration has been



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