
DogByte from Random Act Projects, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Random Act Projects are Andrea LaHue aka Random Act's non-profit endeavors. Our mission is to enrich artists and community through Street Art, public projects, exhibitions, education, community outreach and beautification.

A comprehensive, non-biased view of Street Art in Los Angeles is our goal here. For the launch, LaHue asked five of the most prolific street art photographers to contribute pictures, and these are the "Street Art Los Angeles Capture" series of exhibitions. This series will continue to grow on a monthly basis. We also have project based exhibitions such as earthday street 2014 and PROJECT: Smile South Central, Indian Alley and will continue to spotlight these grassroots, Los Angeles community street art projects.

We hope you enjoy our collection of artworks on the streets across Los Angeles and invite you to come see them in person.



Objective abstraction

Objective abstraction was a British art movement. Between 1933 and 1936 several artists later associated with the Euston Road School produce...