
Lucas Cranach the Younger

Lucas Cranach the Younger was born on 4 October 1515 as the youngest son of Lucas Cranach the Elder and Barbara Brengebier in Wittenberg Together with his brother Hans (around 1513, † 9 October 1537) he learned from his father the art of painting and worked together for the time being With his brother in the paternal workshop

After the death of his brother Hans, he took over the business activities in the workshop of his father in 1537. Since this time, Lucas Cranach signed his works with a modified coat of arms. For the first time, a woodcut of the Johann Scheyring of 1537 appears The coat of arms awarded to his father by the Elector in 1508 A snake with bat wings, a red crown on the head, and a gold ring in the mouth, covered with a ruby. In the sign of the younger Cranach, the snake now has a bird wing

His father, in turn, took over the Wittenberger house to his son Lucas in 1544. Like his father, Lucas Cranach had a prominent position in Wittenberg's public life. He was a councilor in 1549 and 1552, 1555, 1558, 1561, 1564 as council chamberlain, 1565 as mayor And in 1566 as mayor, mayor of the mayor in the council of Wittenberg, active. Because of the Handel against his brother-in-law Christian Brück, he withdrew from all political activities

Lucas Cranach d J died on 25 January 1586 at the age of 70 in Wittenberg His body was transferred to the Wittenberg town church and buried there on 27 January. His grave site is in front of the gallery in the area of ​​the last southern pillar, where today a memorial to him In the altar room of the town church of Wittenberg is his epitaph, which was donated to him and his two wives by the heirs. It shows the burial of Christ. The two writing tablets hold the memory of Lucas Cranach dJ on the left and the wife of his wife on the right

As a representative of a new generation, Lucas Cranach chose the most daring, elaborate portrayal of the uninhibited compositions of surprising beauty and the colorful treatment of his father's works. In the creative program Lucas Cranach der Jüngeren, he was the creator of the new image program of the Protestants With him, the Mother of God does not look chaste to the ground, but directly into the eyes of the beholder

The assumptions that the younger Lucas Cranach has a subordinate role in the Renaissance's work are definitely wrong. They are due to the fact that not all the works of the younger Cranach were known at the time of their advent, He therefore plays a prominent role among the German portraitists of the late renaissance and mannerism. Extensive woodcut works extend the work of the artist as a painter of the Reformation and the related effects

Portrait of Georg Cracow and family
Adam and Eve
John Frederick I, Elector of Saxony



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