
Jordi Alumà i Masvidal

Jordi Alumà i Masvidal (Barcelona, ​​26 February 1924) is a Catalan painter, illustrator and poster child of Joseph and Alumà Sans.

During the Spanish Civil War he studied at the painting studio Propaganda Commissariat of the Generalitat of Catalonia. Later he studied at the Salesian workshops Sarria and furthered his training with trips to Italy, the Netherlands, France, USA, etc. His early works are predominantly religious character of the medieval aesthetics.

In the sixties he adopted his characteristic figurative and deepen the sports theme. He is the author of several suites Olympic Games and the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico, and the pictorial decoration of the presidential lounge International Olympic Committee in Lausanne in 1988, commissioned by Joan Antoni Samaranch. He also made the mural of the Archives of Auditors, the Palau de la Generalitat in 1975 and the offices of Atlantic Bank in New York (1983).

In the mid-70s, on behalf of the builder and promoter of Barcelona La Llave de Oro, performed some of the murals to decorate the halls of the Edificio Olympia, others will Llucià Navarro, aimed at senior homes standing, Balmes Street (413-427) and Calle Moragas (14-32) in Barcelona. Following the theme of Greek mythology that inspires a different deity, each of the goals of the residential complex.

It has been accredited internationally as one of the greatest connoisseurs of the art of the altarpiece and has been a professor at the School of Exchange 1953 to 1989. He has received numerous awards, such as the Biennial of Sport in Fine Arts (1967), the City of Barcelona (1978) and Ynglada Guillot (1980). In 2000 he received the Creu de Sant Jordi.



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