
Pharmaceutical industry in Bangladesh

The pharmaceutical industry in Bangladesh is one of the most developed technology sectors within Bangladesh. Manufacturers produce insulin, hormones, and cancer drugs. This sector provides 97% of the total medicinal requirement of the local market. The industry also exports medicines to global markets, including Europe. Pharmaceutical companies are expanding their business with the aim to expand the export market.

Currently, the domestic market of pharmaceutical industry in Bangladesh is above Tk 8 billion and international market is more than Tk. The growth rate in this sector is about 5 percent. There are currently 6 government- listed small pharmaceutical factories and 20 allopathic pharmaceuticals private companies in different regions of the country, who are exporting medicines to more than 5 countries around the world, which meets 5 percent of the country's needs.

The country now produces about 20 billion crore of drugs and raw materials annually, and the industry generates employment of about two million people. After the success of the garment industry, Bangladesh sees the pharmaceutical industry as one of the major export products. Despite the odds, as well as a variety of drugs, agricultural fields like pharmaceuticals, building the capacity of being able to achieve in the industry.

Earlier, Bangladesh's domestic demand was met by importing large amounts of money from abroad. At the moment, Bangladesh is at the top of pharmaceutical production among the least developed countries in the world.

There are 5 types of medicine manufacturing companies in Bangladesh.
Type of Drug ManufacturerNumber of Manufacturing CompaniesCurrent Manufacturing Status
Allopathic Drug Manufacturers199Functional
Ayurvedic Drug Manufacturers172Functional
Unani Drug Manufacturers500Functional
Herbal Drug Manufacturers29Functional
Homoeopathic & Biochemic Drug Manufacturers28Functional

Although the pharmaceutical industry in Bangladesh started in the early fifties, Bangladesh started producing drugs shortly after independence in 1971. The industry was not so advanced then. In the beginning, Bangladesh was able to produce only 20 percent of the total demand, while 5 percent depended on foreign imports, especially in West Pakistan. During the acute drug crisis, multinational companies were initially reluctant to sell drugs in newly independent Bangladesh. The Eastern Europe, the Hungarian pharmaceuticals company igisa, geidena, Richter, Kieron and medimpesa product exchange (jute and other raw materials) are willing to supply the drugs.

Up to 5 years, almost 5% of the market in the country was held exclusively by international companies. After the Drug Control Ordinance was issued in 122, the domestic pharmaceutical industry was released from the monopoly trade of foreign pharmaceutical companies and gradually started expanding the market.

In Bangladesh, the number of pharmaceutical factories in Bangladesh was 5 and the handicrafts were exported to several countries. In 20, he ranks in 5 countries. Exports increased from Tk 1 crore to Tk 5 crore, while exports of raw materials for pharmaceuticals increased from Tk 1 million to Tk 6 million.

Some time ago, Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd., a pharmaceutical company, was approved to enter the US market for heart-resistant carvedilol.

The Industry exports active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and a wide range of pharmaceutical products, covering all major therapeutic classes and dosage forms, to 79 countries. Along with regular forms like tablets, capsules and syrups, Bangladesh also exports specialized products like HFA inhalers, CFC inhalers, suppositories, nasal sprays, injectables, IV infusions, etc. These products have been well accepted by medical practitioners, chemists, patients and the regulatory bodies of all of their importing nations. The packaging and the presentation of the products of Bangladesh are comparable to any international standard.

Two organizations regulate drugs and pharmacies in Bangladesh.

The Directorate General of Drug Administration (DGDA) is the national drug regulatory authority which is under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. DGDA regulates all activities related to import and export of raw materials, packaging materials, production, sale, pricing, licensing, registration of all kinds of medicine including those of Ayurvedic, Unani, herbal and homeopathic systems.

The Pharmacy Council of Bangladesh(PCB) was established under the Pharmacy Ordinance Act in 1976. to control the pharmacy practice in Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Society is affiliated with the International Pharmaceutical Federation and Commonwealth Pharmaceutical Association. The National Drug Policy (2005) states that the World Health Organization’s current Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) should be strictly followed and that manufacturing units will be regularly inspected by the DDA. Other key regulation features are restrictions on imported drugs (where these are produced by four or more local firms), a ban on local production of around 1,700 drugs that are considered non-essential or harmful and strict price controls on some 117 principal medicines.

Companies and factories
According to the Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Industry Association, there are currently more than 20 small and large pharmaceutical factories in different regions of the country, of which five are producing medicines on a regular basis.

According to the Directorate of Drugs Administration, a total of 24 allopathic pharmaceutical companies produce a total of Tk 20,000 and Rs. 32,000 crore worth of drugs and raw materials annually. The number of generic medicines (allopathic, unani, ayurvedic and homeopathic) manufactured and marketed by the government, brought technology and raw materials from abroad. About 5 thousand companies are producing these medicines using about 20,000 brand names.

The following is a list of the number of generic pharmaceuticals companies currently manufactured and the number of drugs manufactured:
Generic drugsNumber of organizationsNumber of drugs produced
Allopathic325 thousand 5
Homeopathic and Biochemic3

The following list gives the number of factories in different regions of Bangladesh:
RegionThe number of factories

According to the data, the top 5 companies in the country produce 5% of total drug production. Below are the names of some domestic companies, the quantity of drugs produced and the number of countries exported:
FactoryAmount of drugs producedNumber of countries exported
Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Drug International

At present, there is a huge demand for Bangladeshi medicines in both domestic and international markets.

The domestic market for drugs in Bangladesh was around Tk 12.5 billion in the 21st, and now it has exceeded Tk. According to the Drugs Association, there are about one million drug stores across the country. Besides Mitford, the capital of Bangladesh, there are five other major pharmaceutical markets in Hathazari, Khulna, Rajshahi, Comilla, Lakshmipur and Chittagong.

The following list shows the quantity of drugs sold in the domestic market every year:
SalAmount of sale (money)
25-5About 3 billion
25-5About 3 billion
25-512.5 billion
25-5Two thousand 3 crore
25-5Two thousand 12 crore

According to international statistics, the annual cost of drugs in the world is now $ 8 billion. Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited began its first overseas pharmaceutical exporter. 199 In Iran, Hong Kong, Vietnam and South Korea penicillin raw materials exported by the company, and the next year, paracetamol group napasaha 18 positions drugs Russian market and exports.

According to the Bureau of Export Development, about 5 kinds of drugs are currently being supplied to 4 countries in 4 countries.

Exported country
CountryLocationNumber of terms exportedQuantity
Sri Lanka2120
The United States
The UK
South Korea
Saudi Arabia
Different countries in Africa
Different countries in the Middle East

The amount of exports
According to the data, foreign exports from the pharmaceutical sector have almost doubled in the last five years between 20 and 25 years.

According to the Bangladesh Export Development Bureau (EPB) statistics, the list of drug export earnings per year and the number of exported countries is shown below:
Fiscal yearDollarsTrillionNumber of countriesGrowth
25-58 crore 20 lakhs23
25-57 crore 20 lakhs23Nine percent
25-5About seven million2Eight decimal one percent
212-6Five million 5 lakhs23
25-124 million 12 lakhs2
25-54 crore 4 lakhs
25-54 crore 4 lakh 5 thousand
25-54 crore 4 lakh 5 thousand
25-54 crore 4 lakhs

12 Drug Control Ordinance
From the beginning to the end of the year, about 5 percent of the market in Bangladesh was held exclusively by international companies and they were held hostage. At that time, domestic pharmaceutical companies could not grow with them. After the Drug Control Ordinance was issued in 122, the domestic pharmaceutical industry was released from the monopoly trade of foreign pharmaceutical companies and gradually started expanding their market.

As a result of this ordinance, the pharmaceutical industry of Bangladesh, like the free economy, is opened, and companies can produce and market different drugs of the same disease under different names. Whereas, if consumers do not like the medicine of one company, they can use the same quality of drugs from any other company.
Intellectual property concessions [ edit ]

The developed countries of the world intellectual property organization, the World Intellectual Property Organization (dabilauaipri) is usually the least developed countries (LDCs) for the pharmaceutical industry intellectual property (patent) is discounted. As a result, developed countries can produce generic forms of any patented drug. In addition, there is another contract called the ' trips agreement ', where if a company discovers (patents) a new drug and markets it, the government will be forced to do exclusive business for 20 years.

At a conference of the World Health Organization's cabinet in Doha, Qatar's capital, on November 27, four developed countries were granted the right to produce and market any drug with the exception of January 29. Later, his tenure was extended to 25 years. This exemption opens the door for export of pharmaceutical industries in Bangladesh.

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Park

008 of the National Economic Council Executive Committee (its) meeting, for medicine Munshiganj Gazaria Dhaka-Chittagong mahasarakasanlagna Baushia and Laxmipur village, 00 acres of an Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) to develop the project is approved. The main purpose of the park is to conduct research for domestic pharmaceutical companies to expand their business operations, diversify products to capture competitive markets and improve product quality. Also the raw materials in the drug productionThe need and the raw materials that are imported from abroad, to be produced within the country within the next 5 years and to significantly reduce or stop the import of raw materials. As a result, about one billion crore will be saved annually.

The 12-plot park will be set up to produce various raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry, creating employment for about 20,000 people directly. The project was supposed to be completed on December 27, but due to various complications and adversities, the project was extended to 25 years. But it could not be implemented at the end of the 21st.

Bangladesh has great potential in the pharmaceutical industry. The most important of these is - foreign exchange earning and massive employment.

Between 20 and 25, Bangladesh's foreign exchange earnings in pharmaceutical exports increased from Tk 1 crore to around 1 crore, while raw material exports for pharmaceuticals dropped from Tk 1 million to Tk 6 million.

Dulakherao more people than the industry's employment, and also more than five million people directly and indirectly involved in the industry. Every year more and more people are increasing their employment through this industry expansion. In all, over one million people are directly involved in the production, marketing and retail marketing of medicines.

The expansion of the problem

Jalani is the main obstacle to the spread of this industry in Bangladesh, especially gas and electricity. Experts say that if the problem is solved, the spread of the industry will happen very fast.

Communication is another obstacle to the spread of the industry. With the development of all types of communication systems (roads, railways and waterways), the industry will expand in Bangladesh.

Research is especially important in any industry spread. According to various reports of domestic and foreign, developed countries of the world spend an average of $ 1 billion a year in research. The more advanced the research, the more the industry spreads in those countries.

Skilled human resources
More than skilled human resources is the barrier to any industry spread. Although there is a huge human resource in the pharmaceutical industry in Bangladesh at the moment, due to lack of adequate training and opportunities, it is not able to utilize the resources properly.

International recognition
Although the quality of medicines in Bangladesh is international, the drug governing bodies have not yet been able to achieve this recognition. In addition, there is no official government standard laboratory approved by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Quality Control
Quality control is a very important factor for any drug export and international recognition. There are many questions about the quality of medicines in Bangladesh at times, and the occasional death of the common man is still heard by taking low quality medicines.

Export Process
Due to bureaucratic complexity many times more than other countries, the export process from Bangladesh takes much longer.

According to the Drugs Association, the number of illegal shops across the country is about 1.5 million. According to the capital's Mitford wholesale traders, more than one billion foreign drugs come into the country every year through smuggling. And according to experts, the market demand for domestic drugs will increase even further if the smuggling is stopped.
Legal and policy barriers

There are some legal and policy barriers in Bangladesh's export of medicines to the world market. Bangladesh Government is working to remove those barriers.

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